Aaron Boeker is 13 years old and won our latest scholarship, “Solo a Glider Before an Airplane.” Aaron became interested in aviation after watching his brother, Carter, learn to fly gliders at the glider airport with the Soaring Society of America. Aaron started taking lessons as well, and he began considering career possibilities for his future. Aaron’s goal is to become an international pilot in South America or Alaska.
Apart from his aviation pursuits, Aaron also plays and teaches music lessons. He regularly plays guitar, piano, drums, violin, and viola. Aaron plays violin with the West Coast Classical Jazz Band and Orchestra.
In Aaron’s spare time, he participates in the local 4-H club of the Acton-Agua Dulce area. He currently holds the office of Club Secretary. As a club member, Aaron also rides a horse, practices public speaking, and does shooting sports.
Fall 2021, Glider To Solo