As the scholarship application process continues, we want to remind everyone of scholarships that we offer at this time:
Tail-wheel endorsement-
The Figure 1 Foundation strongly promotes becoming a tail-wheel pilot. The tail-wheel rating is not only a valuable skill but a great experience for college or job placement. The applicant must have a Private Pilot License or higher accreditation to apply. We will provide up to $1,750.00 in total funding.
Upset recovery/ Spin Training and Introduction to Aerobatics-
This program provides you with a FAA spin endorsement. You will obtain the experience needed for correct and precise actions responding to in-flight emergencies and unusual attitude recovery. You will also obtain the ability to perform an aerobatic sequence and achieve an IAC Smooth Award. The applicant must have a Private Pilot License or higher accreditation to apply. We will provide up to $3,800 in total funding.
Aerobatic Judge Certification-
We will make you a Certified Aerobatic Judge. The certification program covers the cost of a weekend judges school, travel cost to and from the aerobatic contest that you earn your required judges assisting, and regional judges exam cost. No prior flight experience needed. We will provide up to $1,100.00 in total funding.